Library Policies and Procedures

Hyrum Library Master Policy

Please E-MAIL us if you have any questions or concerns about our policies and procedures. 

The mission of the Hyrum Library is to aid patrons, of all ages; in all aspects, to obtain a higher quality of life.

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Definitions
2.0 Authority to Establish a Library
2.1 Hours of Operation
3.0 Library Board of Trustees
4.0 Teen Advisory Committee
5.0 Library Employees
6.0 Use of Library
6.1 Unattended Children
6.2 Disruptive Patrons
6.3 Circulation
6.4 Room Use
6.5 Challenged Materials
6.6 Internet Use
6.7 Animals
7.0 Acquisitions
7.1 Acquisition Selection Criteria
7.2 Acquisition of Materials
7.3 Maintaining Collection
8.0 Display Exhibit

1.0 Introduction

This policy governs the Hyrum Library. It may be reviewed and revised each year by the library director and library board members, through proper procedure. The Hyrum Library does not discriminate on basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, or disability. The objective of the Hyrum Library is to aid patrons in the pursuit of education, information, research, and recreation by providing the availability of electronic, printed, and visual aids. The goal of the library is to aid the community in living a higher quality of life.  This document combines and/or correlates and may amend former policies as they were established prior to the passage of this document. Questions regarding the policy of the Hyrum Library should be directed to the Hyrum library director or the Hyrum Library Board.

1.1 Definitions

Board: Hyrum Library Board as appointed by the Hyrum City Mayor and approved by the Hyrum City Council. Other terms may include: trustee, director, board member, or chairperson.
Circulation: the process of checking out, checking in, and re-shelving materials.
City: Hyrum City Corporation, a division of the State of Utah.
Director: the director of the Hyrum Library (not in reference to a member of the Board of Trustees).
Disruptive behavior: prolonged noise making, running up and down aisles, damaging library property, or bothering other library patrons.
Fee: a charge for services (may include room rental, overdue material, copies, or damaged material).
Governing body: the elected Hyrum City Council, acting as a whole, with a quorum present, under prescribed legal and lawful manner.
Holds:  reservations placed on library materials.
Item reservations: see “holds” for definition
Library: any reference to the Hyrum Library, Hyrum City Library, or Bessie Brown Library.
Library card:  a document issued by the Hyrum Library giving permission for the card holder to check out materials from the library.
Loan period: Length of time items may be checked out from the library.
Patron: a person who has obtained a library account or any person who is in attendance at the library.
Teen Advisory Committee (TAC): appointed local teens that help with teen activities.
USC: Utah State Code.
USL: Utah State Library.
User fee:  fee charged to person or persons obtaining a library card that live outside of service areas. Other terms may include: non-resident fee or fee.

2.0 Authority to Establish a Library

The Hyrum Library operates under authority of USC 9-7-401. Any conflict shall be resolved by appeal to those governing authorities and through considered action by the Board of Trustees. Both will be reviewed by appropriate legal counsel.
2.1 Hours of Operation

The Hyrum Library will be open to the public Monday through Friday 10:00am to 7:00pm and Saturday 10:00am to 3:00pm.
The library observes and will be closed the following holidays:

  • New Year’s Day (Jan. 1)
  • Civil Rights Day (third Monday of January)
  • President’s Day (third Monday of February)
  • Memorial Day  (last Monday in May)
  • Independence Day (July 4)
  • Pioneer Day (July 24)
  • Labor Day (first Monday in September)
  • Veteran’s Day (November 11)
  • Thanksgiving holiday (fourth Thursday - Saturday of November)
  • Christmas Holiday (December 24 - 26)

Holidays, falling on Saturday, will be observed the Friday before, and holidays falling on Sunday, will be observed the following Monday.
Closing the library for any other reason will be at the discretion of the library director.

3.0 Library Board of Trustees

The purpose of a library board is to:

  • Advocate for the library in the communities the library serves
  • Plan for the future of the library
  • Monitor and evaluate the overall success of the library
  • Adopt library policies, and evaluate the library director and other employees of the library
  • All duties of the board follow Utah state code 9-7-404. The Hyrum Library board of trustees is considered an advisory board only

A. Chairperson and Officers of the Board
The board chairperson presides over board meetings. The board shall consist of five to nine members, including on member Hyrum City Council. A minimum of one board member shall represent each community served.
As per USC, “each director shall be appointed for a three-year term, or until the successor to that director is appointed. Initially, appointments shall be made for one-, two-, and three-year terms. Annually thereafter, the city governing body shall, before the first day of July each year, appoint for a three-year term directors to take the place of the retiring directors. Directors shall serve not more than two consecutive full terms” (Utah State Code: 9-7-403).

B. Removal of Board Members
Removal of a board member from office shall be for “misconduct, neglect of duty” (Utah State Code: 9-7-403).

C. Board Vacancies
Vacancies on the board shall be reported to all trustees within a timely manner. When vacancies occur the board may compile a list of names to fill that vacancy. The names will then be taken to the city council for approval. It is understood by the board that the governing body are under no obligation to accept any names forwarded by the board.

D. Board of Trustees Meetings
Board meetings are held bi-monthly (every other month) on the second Wednesday of that month. The Hyrum Library follows Utah’s Open Meeting Law which states that board meetings are open to the public, agendas for the meeting are posted for the public, written minutes will be taken at each meeting, and each board meeting is recorded and is made available to the public (USC 52-4-201).

4.0 Teen Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Teen Advisory Committee (TAC) is to promote and advocate for the Hyrum Library. The TAC is made up of one teen librarian and up to ten members age 12-17 and living in the library service area.

5.0 Library Employees

Library employees are employed by the Hyrum City Corporation. They report directly to the library director. The city manager and the library director work in conjunction to hire new employees.
A. Library Director
The library director is responsible to the library board and the city council representative for the administration of the library in accordance with the policies adopted by the library board. The library director reports to the board in regards to library operation, circulation, programs, and policies pertaining to the function of the library.
1. Director: Administration
The library director’s administrative responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Supervising library personnel
  • Construction of the ongoing library collection
  • Preparation of annual budget
  • Financial records pertaining to the library
  • Developing library procedures

2. Director: Responsibilities
The general responsibilities of the library director include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Plan and direct all phases of the library
  • Develop library services that meet the needs of the community
  • Seek ways to improve the image and use of the library
  • Plan, supervise, and assign tasks for library employees and volunteers
  • Acquisitions (see 7.0 Acquisitions)
  • Supervise general procedures for library employees and library patrons
  • Supervise general programming directed toward library patrons
  • Supervise services provided to library patrons
  • Perform duties directed by the library board and city council member

6.0 Use of Library

New patron applicants must comply with the requirements from one of the subsections below:
A. Resident Patron
A potential library patron must complete a library application and meet with the following requirements:

  • Be a resident of, or own property in, Hyrum, Nibley, or Wellsville cities
  • Be 18 years or older, or be older than 16 with a parent/guardian who agrees responsibility for library account and co-signs application
  • Present legal photo ID and city bill issued from Hyrum, Nibley or Wellsville (city bill of parent if under the age of 18)

B. Non-Resident Patron
Non-resident patrons must complete a library application and comply with the following requirements:

  • Be 18 years or older, or be older than 16 with a parent/guardian who agrees responsibility for library account and co-signs application
  • Present two forms of ID (i.e. legal photo ID with current address, or legal photo ID and proof of address)
  • Pay annual user fee of $40.00. This will be due at the end of the anniversary month of when the library card was issued. (User fee will increase $1.00 each year

6.1 Unattended Children

Children in the library are the responsibility of their guardians age 13 years or older. If a child is found to be unattended, the library staff is to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Search and locate the guardian of the child and inform them they will need to keep the child with them
  • If a guardian cannot be located, the staff member is to call the sheriff’s department non-emergency line, 435-755-1000
  • If the library is closing, staff member is to call the above phone number and wait near the front doors of the library for the deputy to arrive. STAFF IS NEVER TO GIVE UNATTENDED CHILDREN A RIDE IN THEIR PERSONAL VEHICLE, OR WAIT FOR A DEPUTY IN THEIR VEHICLE
  • If the child is waiting for a ride, a staff member will wait no more than 15 minutes for the ride to show up. After that time, the staff member is to call the non-emergency line, 435-755-1000, and have a sheriff wait with the child or escort the child home

*Please note:
Staff members are not responsible for children outside the library who are waiting for transportation or who are socializing.

6.2 Disruptive Patrons

Disruptive behavior in the library is defined as any behavior within the library that infringes on the rights of others using the library. If a patron is found to be disruptive, the library staff is to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • If the patron is a child under the age of 13, the child’s guardian should be located, an explanation of their behavior is to be given to the guardian, and the child should be left in their care.  If the behavior continues, library staff may ask the guardian to remove the child from the library.
  • Patrons who are over the age of 13 will be informed that their behavior is inappropriate. If the behavior continues they will be asked to leave the library.

6.3 Circulation

A. Loan Periods and Renewals
Items checked out from the library may be checked out for three weeks. Items not on hold for other patrons may be renewed for up to three months or three renewals. Patrons may renew their items online provided they are not overdue and there is no wait list on the items. If items are overdue, the patron must contact the library to discuss their account.
B. Overdue Items
Patrons are responsible to either phone, email, or ask in person if their items can be renewed. All overdue items will be charged an overdue fee. DVD and Blu-ray items are charged $.25 per day with a cap of $10.00 per item. All other items will be charged $.05 per day with a cap of $3.00 per item.
C. Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary loan service is offered to all patrons who hold a current library card in good standing.  The library does not request textbooks through this program.  The requesting patron agrees to pay $2.00 per requested title to help the library cover shipping costs. Items that are borrowed are done so following the lending libraries circulation policy. In case of damaged items the requesting library patron will be responsible for all charges.  
D. Book Club Loan
Patrons may borrow up to 15 copies of books from the Book Buzz (a program provided by the Utah State Library Division). The borrower will request the titles through the Hyrum Library. Books borrowed will be mailed to the Hyrum Library and the club will pick up and return the books to the library. Book clubs are charged $1.00 per copy for this service.
E. Item Reservations
Item reservations or holds may be place on any circulated item. The library will notify the patron via email when the item is ready for pick up. All items will be held for 7 days and then it will be released to next patron in line. All items that are immediately available will be gathered the morning after the patron places them on hold.

6.4 Room Use

The library has several rooms and tables available for public use on a first come first served basis. The study rooms can be reserved by calling the library ahead of time. The library director must approve all requests for regular or repeated use.  The library board room may be reserved without charge for educational, cultural, civic groups or other non-profit meetings. Other groups such as political organizations, housing associations, or any commercial use, will be assessed a $5.00 per hour fee. A $25.00 cleaning deposit is required from all groups requesting the use of the board room. This deposit will be returned once the room has been assessed for cleanliness.  A reservation must be made before using the board room. All library events will be given priority in scheduling.

6.5 Challenged materials

The library will consider all patron objections to materials in the library collection. The patron must fill out a reconsideration form found on the Hyrum Library website. After review of the material, the request will be discussed at the Hyrum Library board meeting. The library board will have 60 days to respond to the request for reconsideration.
6.6 Internet use

Hyrum Library’s internet policy is posted within the library as well as on each public computer terminal.  This policy is intended to meet the provisions of Section 9-7-213, 9-7-215, and 9-7-216 UCA, and Administrative Rule 458-2.  
This policy supersedes all previous Internet and Online Access Policy statements of the Hyrum Library.  As a matter of policy, the Hyrum Library will abide by all laws governing or regulating Internet use as such legislation relates to library policy or service.   This policy document will be reviewed by the Hyrum Library Board at least every three years, and a copy of the new policy will be sent to the Utah State Library Division as required by Administrative Rule 458-2.  A form is available from the director for anyone wishing to file a complaint about the policy or enforcement of rules pertaining to the use of the internet.
The internet is a global electronic network.  There is no local or state control of its users or content.  The internet and its available resources may contain material of a controversial or pornographic nature.  The library cannot censor access to material nor protect users from offensive information.  Parents of minor children (up to age eighteen) must assume responsibility for their children’s use of the internet through the library’s connection.

Library staff cannot control the availability of information links which can change rapidly and unpredictably.  Not all sources on the internet provide accurate, complete, or current information.  Users should question the validity of the information found on the internet the same as they do with information found in books and other informational resources.
The Hyrum Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from use of its internet service.                                   
A.  Legal Requirements
The Hyrum Library has in place an internet safety policy for minors, including the installation and use of filtering software on all public computers with internet access that protects against access to visual depictions of child pornography or other materials that are harmful or obscene to minors.  The filtering software will be enforced to provide internet safety during any use of a computer by a minor.

B.  Technology Protection Measure
The policy of the Hyrum Library is to restrict access to online sites that contain material described in Section 9-7-215, thus bringing us in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).  Filtering software is in place for all internet stations, including those intended for staff use.  The Library intends to meet and enforce these requirements, using software to assist in restricting this access, as well as staff intervention when required.

C.  Rules and Regulations
1. The operating hours of the public access computers are 10:00 a.m. until 10 minutes before scheduled closing of the library.
2. Use of the public access computers is on a first-come, first-served basis.  Computer time may be limited to one hour if other individuals are waiting to use the computers. If no one is waiting, more time may be granted to the individual.
3. Librarians and staff have priority over library patrons accessing the public access computers.   Library staff at times may need to use or maintain the computer and the library patron will relinquish the computer immediately upon notification by the library staff.
4. Library patrons will make no changes to any files, programs, settings, or passwords on library computers.
5. Library policy restricts access to internet sites that contain visual depictions that are considered child pornography, harmful to minors, or obscene, and may also limit internet access or otherwise protect against materials other than the materials specified in Utah statute.  Filtering software will provide internet safety for all library computers connected to the internet.  However, an authorized library representative may disable the internet filter at the request of an adult patron to enable internet access for research or other lawful purposes.   Other unacceptable internet use includes, but is not limited to, the following: harassment of other users, libeling or slandering other users; destruction of, or damage to, equipment, software, or data belonging to the library or other users; disruption or unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications; unauthorized copying of copyright-protected material.
6. Unauthorized access to the library’s computers, databases, network or software/hardware settings, and/or damage to these resources is prohibited.
7. Patrons must sign in and sign out when using the computers.
D.  E-mail
The library will allow the general public access to e-mail (electronic mail) through the use of the library’s computer equipment and internet connection.  The library shall not be responsible for providing users with e-mail accounts.  Library staff will make reasonable efforts to answer e-mail related questions, but cannot be expected to be knowledgeable about the variety of systems and accounts available.  The library has no control over the content of messages a patron receives.  Any illegal e-mail activity may be reported to the appropriate authorities in accordance with the computer use policy.  Printing of e-mail messages will be charged at the same rate as other printing from the online reference computers.

E. Wireless Internet Access
The Hyrum Library provides wireless internet access to the public for wireless enabled devices. Any use of the library’s network (wired or wireless) must be in accordance with the library’s Acceptable Use Policy.  Policies regarding internet use that is deemed illegal or offensive apply to all patrons whether using a personal device or a library-owned device. The public can use the library’s wireless network at their risk.  Any information sent from a wireless device could potentially be intercepted by a third party that might be within range and using the appropriate hardware/software. 

The library will not be responsible for any information (i.e., credit card or account numbers) that is compromised, or for any damage caused to a personal device, hardware, or software due to power surges, security issues, viruses, theft, etc.  Anti-virus and security protection are the responsibility of the patron.
Any library staff member who observes a person abusing any of the rules or accessing pornographic materials will direct that person to remove the material from the computer screen and refrain from viewing such material in the future.  Persons caught viewing such material will be asked to leave the library premises.  Law enforcement officials may be called to enforce compliance with such a request is needed.

Failure to comply with these rules and regulations may result in the loss of library privileges in addition to any appropriate legal action, including criminal prosecution.

6.7 Animals

Non-service animals are not allowed in the library unless approved by the director for special activities or presentations. The library follows guidelines for service and emotional support animals in accordance with the U.S. Department of Justice and disability rights.

7.0 Acquisitions

The annual acquisitions budget is spent on materials that are of optimum use to the majority of the library’s population. The library has an obligation to provide the best materials for the general public. The library will purchase formats that coincide with changing technology, including book, eBook, audio, eAudio, DVD, Blu-ray, eVideo, and MP3. Any patron is welcome to submit a purchase request; however, items purchased for the library are at the discretion of the library board and director.  

7.1 Acquisition Selection Criteria

The library adheres to the following statement taken from the American Library Association (ALA), which they adopted in 1948:
“As a responsibility of library service, books and other library materials selected should be chosen for values of interest, information, and enlightenment of all the people of the community.  In no case should library materials be excluded because of the social, political, or religious views of the authors.”

7.2 Acquisition of Materials

A. Print Materials
The Hyrum Library attempts to include notable, classic, up-to-date and popular materials for patrons to check out. The interests of the community are taken into consideration when selecting materials.

B. Special Collections  

Collections of historical value to the state of Utah, Cache Valley, and of local interest (i.e., religious material) are considered special collections and are housed in the library board room.

C. Young Adult and Juvenile Materials

The selection process for young adult and juvenile materials is the same for adult materials. The library also takes children’s needs as students under consideration when selecting materials for the library.  Every effort is made to see that the selection will support the local school criteria for reading programs.

D. Foreign Language
The library purchases foreign language items with the same criteria as other print material in mind.    
E. Reference

The library has an open reference collection, which is shelved and circulated with other non-fiction items. Any reference item that falls under the special collections criteria will be shelved in the library board room and will not be circulated.

F. Periodicals
The selection process for periodicals follows the same criteria as other materials purchased for the library.

G. Audiovisual Materials

The Hyrum Library purchases new and used DVD, Blu-ray, and audiobooks that appeal to the general public. The library does not censor based on ratings.

7.3 Maintaining Collection

A. Weeding
The Hyrum Library constantly monitors and re-evaluates the collection. Items which are in poor condition, have low circulation, or are outdated will be discarded at the discretion of the library director.
B. Book Donations
Each item that has been donated to the library becomes the property of the library. The Items will be added to our collection, kept as replacements, sold, donated, or recycled.  
The library does not accept the following items:

  • Textbooks
  • Encyclopedias
  • VHS/cassette tapes

C. Lost or Damaged Items
Patrons are responsible for any item that is damaged or lost while checked out to them. Any item that is lost or damaged will be charged to the patron. Once the item is paid for, that item now belongs to the library patron. Patrons will not be charged for normal wear and tear. Patrons do have the option of purchasing the same Item from a third party to replace the item that was lost or damaged. Under no circumstances will a refund be issued once the item is paid for or replaced.

8.0 Display and Exhibit

The Hyrum Library has priority for use of all display areas. Non-profit community groups that wish to advertise must submit their promotional items to the library for approval. Items that have been approved will be displayed for 30 days unless otherwise approved by the library director. The library is not responsible for damage or loss of property.