City Recorder
The City Recorders Office is responsible for a variety of legal and administrative duties which include;
1. Conducting Municipal Elections: The City Recorder oversees the municipal election process to administer open and fair elections. Please visit the election page for more information.
2. Maintaining official records: The City Recorder is responsible to keep and maintain all official records which include meeting minutes, ordinances and resolutions, and other legal documents.
3. Attending Council Meetings: The Recorder attends City Council meetings and is responsible for providing an accurate summary of the meetings. This is crucial for maintaining a record of the decisions made, discussions held, and actions taken during these meetings.
4. Providing Public Notices: The City Recorder is responsible for issuing public notices as required by law. This includes notifying the public about important events such as public hearings, meeting schedules, and other official city matters.
Stephanie Fricke | City Recorder | (435) 245-6033 | Contact person by email |