Welcome to the Hyrum City Library
Please take a moment to answer a few questions for our Library Community Survey
Acquiring a library card:
Access to the library is free to all residence that reside in Hyrum, Nibley, or Wellsville. To obtain a library card please fill out an application and bring it along with your picture ID and your city bill from Hyrum, Nibley, or Wellsville to the library. If you do not receive a city bill or if you reside outside of our service area, you are welcome to purchase a library card by paying an annual fee of $41.00.
Looking for materials?
Begin your search to the left, from there you can search the library catalog, and check on your library account.
If you cannot find what you are looking for simply fill out this form and we will add your request to the shopping list, please remember that we can not purchase all requests. If we can't we do offer interlibrary loan as an option.
Inter-library Loan is available to all library users, this service is available to those who seek special interest materials. Simply stop in the library and fill out a request form and email it or bring it in the next time you are visiting the library.
Interested in eBooks?
Visit OverDrive, from there you can sign into your account by selecting "Hyrum Library" and filling out the required fields. The OverDrive help page is a great resource, but you can always contact the library for additional help.
Book donations:
We accept donations however please keep in mind that once the items are donated to the library, they become property of the library. Items that are donated will be added to our collection, kept as a replacement, sold, donated, or recycled.
We do not accept the following items:
-VHS/Cassette tapes
Be sure to check out the links to the left to find out more of what the Hyrum City Library has to offer.