Pressurized Irrigation

Hyrum City receives water from many different canal companies to fill its reservoir on 6200 South. Hyrum also uses other sources such as reclaimed sanitary sewer water and one deep well. It is an outside non-filtered reservoir using eight variable speed pumps to meet flow demands. During a typical water year, the pressurized irrigation system is on from late April through the early October. The irrigation system currently has 2,282 active connections.
Hyrum’s irrigation is split into two separate systems: gravity feed and pressurized feed.
- The gravity feed system is hooked onto the lower part of town that is well below the reservoir in elevation and distance. Pressures will vary based off demand and location between 60 and 90 psi.
- The pressurized system feeds the higher ends of town that are above or closer to the reservoir. Pressures vary from 45 to 65 psi based on peak demand flows.
Irrigation startup is a slow high maintenance process that requires weeks of pressurizing different areas in town one section at a time. We like to start pressurizing in early May and have the system up and running in full by June 1st. The system is then drained every fall starting November 1st in the same slow process.
Irrigation water is not intended for human consumption and should be used for landscaping and agricultural uses. The irrigation water should not come in contact with eyes, nose, open wounds or other sensitive areas.
Irrigation sources should be identified with signage and purple fixtures because it contains treated reuse water from the water reclamation plant . Purple is the industry standard for reuse water which is non-potable water and not intended for human consumption. Purple paints, valve lids, and pipes are commercially available from many stores.
If you are having issues with your irrigation water please contact the City Office at 435-245-6033.