Safety With Power
"Connected to Safety"
Every day, we rely on electricity to power our homes and offices. However, it is important to always be safe around electric appliances, equipment, and power lines.
The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) is the premier non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to promoting electrical safety at home and in the workplace. The mission of the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) is to reduce electrically-related injuries, deaths and fires; saving lives and property through public education and outreach.
Their website is filled with an abundance of safety information, and for the kids they have an "interactive Kids Corner" to make learning about electrical safety fun with a variety of entertaining activities and videos that reinforce key safety concepts.

To report a Power Outage:
Outage reporting services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Hyrum City Offices: (435)245-6033 during business hours (M-F 8:00 am-4:30 pm).
After Hours: (435)881-0563 to reach the on-call Lineman. (Does not receive text messages)
If you find yourself without power, do the following:
- Check your fuse or breaker box to see if they have blown or tripped;
- Check with neighbors to see if they have power; and
- If you are still affected by a power outage, call and report it
The Power Department strives to provide expedient and efficient response to restore power in the event of an outage. When outages occur, our line crews work 24/7 to restore power as quickly as they safely can.

If you have questions regarding the Hyrum City Power standards, please contact the Power & Light department during regular business hours at (435)245-6033. To review the current Construction Standards file you can locate it under forms, in the Community Tab.

Complete a work order if you see:
- A street light that is burnt out
- A street light that is cycling on and off

Plant Wisely
Trees beautify homes and property and can lower utility bills if correctly sited. Care should be taken with trees near power lines. Every year power outages are caused by storms that bring trees or limbs down on power lines. You can help by taking a “power friendly” approach in landscaping your property.
Tree Planting Guide:
- Avoid planting directly under power lines.
- Larger trees should be planted 30 feet or more away from lines.
- Plant leaf-bearing trees to the East and West of your home to reduce summer cooling costs, while admitting winter sunlight.
- Plant evergreens and shrubs where they will block cold winter winds.
If you see a hazardous tree near or in your power lines please complete a work order, or call the Hyrum City Offices (435)245-6033 during business hours (M-F 8:00 am-4:30 pm).
Depending on the severity of the situation, the line crew will either take care of it immediately, or have a tree trimming crew take care of it on a scheduled route. If the lines are determined to be be communication or other utility lines, you will need to make contact with those companies.

Hyrum City has teamed up with UAMPS to help to provide "smart" ways for consumers to save energy, save money, and help the environment.
A Home Energy Savings Program is offered to Hyrum City residents and provides cash incentives to customers who purchase energy efficient appliances and lighting fixtures from participating retailers. Get cash back when you purchase a qualifying clothes washer, refrigerator, dishwasher, room A/C unit, water heater, or lighting fixtures. Plus you'll save money on your energy bill year after year, and help the environment!
Learn more about the energy-efficient appliances listed and Smart Energy Rebate Offers.
- Clothes Washer
- Dishwasher
- Evaporative Cooler (Portable)
- Freezer
- Lighting Fixtures
- Refrigerator
- Room Air Conditioner
- Water Heater
Commercial lighting program
UAMPS Smart Energy partners with community-owned electric utilities to provide affordable, reliable electricity to their customers. The commercial lighting program is available to commercial electric customers who purchase their electricity from UAMPS participating Smart Energy partners.
Preauthorization is required for all commercial lighting incentives. To find out more information and how to qualify for the program please visit UAMPS Smart Energy Commercial Lighting Program.

If you intend to run your generator during a power outage, it poses an electrocution hazard for Hyrum City line crews and for your neighbors who may not know the lines are energized. If the power is restored while your generator is backfeeding, your generator may be severely damaged.
When properly installed and operated, generators offer a safe, and convenient means of powering equipment when electricity is unavailable. However, if improperly installed or operated, generators can be dangerous to our line crews, your neighbors, and yourself.
Backfeeding is a very dangerous condition in which electricity from your generator flows back through your electrical panel and meter into the Hyrum City’s electrical distribution system. Backfeeding can occur when a generator is connected to your home wiring system without disconnecting from Hyrum City power. The most common way this could occur is if you directly connect a generator to your electrical panel or to a circuit in your home.
If you feed power back into the utility system during an outage, you will energize the transformer serving your house. This poses an electrocution hazard for Hyrum City line crews and for your neighbors who may not know the lines are energized. If power is restored while your generator is backfeeding, your generator may be severely damaged.
How Can Backfeeding Be Prevented?
The simple answer is to always keep generator power and Hyrum City power isolated from each other.
Permanent generators are isolated from the Hyrum City power system with a transfer switch installed between the generator and the electrical panel. The transfer switch allows power to be fed from only one source at a time.
Portable generators are usually connected directly to an appliance or piece of equipment through an extension cord. As long as the equipment is not hard-wired to the building’s electrical panel, there is no path back to the panel. Transfer switches are available to safely connect portable generators to building electrical systems
How Do Transfer Switches Work?
Transfer switches work by opening the connection to the utility before closing the generator connection, thereby isolating the utility and the generator.
Transfer switches become part of your building wiring system. They require an electrical permit and must be installed by a licensed electrician. The National Electrical Code requires transfer switches for permanently installed generators.
GenerLink Transfer Switch
Hyrum City Power & Light will assist our customers with the proper installation of a GenerLink Transfer Switch. For more information on the GenerLink Transfer Switch, and to check compatible generators that work with the GenerLink Transfer switch please see their website.
Generator Operating Safety
In addition to installing your generator safely, there are several important safety rules to know and follow when you are operating a generator:
- Always read and follow the guidelines in your operator’s manual.
- Know how to shut the generator off quickly in case of emergency.
- Never modify a generator in any way.
- Never refuel a generator while it is running or hot.
- Periodically run the generator to assure it will start and run properly when you want it to.
For portable generators a few additional safety rules apply:
- Use adequately sized extension cords.
- Operate the generator in the open, with adequate ventilation – never in a building or enclosure.
- Set the generator on a firm, level surface.
- Operate the generator in a dry location.

Know what's below, call 811 before you dig.
Anyone who plans to dig should call 811 at least two business days before digging, calling 811 automatically routes you directly to your local 811 center. Or go to the Utah state 811 website to submit an online request.
Hitting a buried line while digging can disrupt utility service, cost money to repair, or cause serious injury or death. Always contact your 811 center, wait the required time for utilities to respond to your request, and ensure that all utilities have responded to your request before putting a shovel in the ground.
Utility owners follow the APWA (American Public Works Association) standard to mark the locations of their underground facilities. The following colors are used:
RED – Electric Power Lines, Cables, Conduit and Lighting Cables
YELLOW – Gas, Oil, Steam, Petroleum or Gaseous Materials
ORANGE – Communication, Alarm or Signal Lines, Cables or Conduit
BLUE – Potable Water
PURPLE – Reclaimed Water, Irrigation and Slurry Lines
GREEN – Sewers and Drain Lines
WHITE – Proposed Excavation
PINK – Temporary Survey Markings
See the FAQs page on the Bluestakes of Utah website for ore information.