Storm Water Construction Permits
No person shall be granted a building permit or excavation permit for land-disturbing activity without a Notice of Intent (NOI) from the State of Utah. In addition to the NOI a Stormwater Management Concept Plan Management Concept Plan shall be required with the preliminary plat for all platted subdivisions, site plans for all multifamily housing projects, single family home construction involving soil disturbing activities of one acre or more, mobile home parks, churches, commercial buildings and sites, and industrial buildings and sites and will include sufficient information (e.g., maps, hydrologic calculations, etc.) to evaluate the environmental characteristics of the project site, the potential impacts of all proposed development of the site, both present and future, on the water resources, and the effectiveness and acceptability of the measures proposed for managing stormwater generated at the project site.
The intent of this conceptual planning process is to determine the type of stormwater management measures necessary for the proposed project, and ensure adequate planning for management of stormwater runoff from the development. Prevention Plan required for the NOI. For development or redevelopment occurring on a previously developed site, an applicant shall be required to include within the stormwater concept plan measures for controlling existing stormwater runoff discharges from the site in accordance with the standards of Hyrum City's Ordinances to the maximum extent practicable.
Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Please visit the UPDES website to obtain necessary forms and permits under the Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES). A copy of this permit will need to be provided to Hyrum City along with Hyrum City's Construction Activity Permit Application.
Construction Activity Permit
A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Construction Activity Permit Application is required to be submitted to Hyrum City's Zoning Administrator before a building permit or excavation permit will be issued. The State of Utah, Division of Water Quality requires that a copy of the SWPPP be located/accessible on construction sites prior and during construction.