Public Hearing Notice - Zoning
The Hyrum City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing
Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in the Hyrum City Council Chambers, 60 West Main, Hyrum to receive public comments regarding proposed amendments to Title 17 (the Zoning Ordinance) of the Hyrum City Municipal Code as follows:
1. Section 17.80.040 A. (Abandonment or Loss of Non-Conforming Use) to remove an exception that allows a nonconforming use to continue after 12 months of abandonment;
2. Section 17.80.050 A. (Moving, Enlarging, or Altering Non-Conforming Uses) to remove an exception that
allows a nonconforming use to enlarge or expand;
3. Section 17.80 (Nonconforming Buildings and Uses) miscellaneous housekeeping items;
4. Sections 17.28.250, 17.30.250, 17.32.140, 17.36.140, 17.38.250, 17.44.110, and 17.45 210 (Off Street Parking – Special Regulations in Zones R-1, R-2, R-2A, R-3, R-5, RA, C-1, and C-2) to increase the maximum residential driveway accesses (curb cuts) to a maximum
width of thirty five (35) feet rather than twenty five (25) feet, and other miscellaneous housekeeping items.
Copies of the proposed changes are available for public inspection on the Hyrum City website and at the Hyrum City Office, 60 West Main, Hyrum, weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.